Все книги

The Christmas Roses’ Blues

The Christmas Roses’ Blues

Роман Приключения Детектив Короткий любовный роман
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The action of the novel begins in a modern metropolis. Every attempt to build your life, to achieve success at all levels. From a newly arrived student, dreaming of a successful marriage, to a young guy dreaming of a big jackpot from the sky, he does not want to work, but wants to earn a lot! Politicians and scientists, wealthy people and young people - they all overcome the hardships of life, striving for a secure existence, but they understand that the main thing for all the wealth in the world is love for loved ones, respect for others and the transition to their own meaning of life. On this path, they are waiting for both failures and very fortunate coincidences. In the novel, several plot lines are gradually revealed, helping to understand the images of the main characters. One of the plot lines is a detective one, it is tied between Gregory Lewitski & Sgt. Cholupcka. There are several love lines in the novel, one of them is the main characters: Daria Forman & Boris Michaelidi.


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